Friday, January 20, 2017

Traffic Masters Academy Review

 Traffic masters academy
You won’t make a cent if you don’t get some bodies in front of computers looking at your website. That’s the biggest mistake that many people make. They focus on getting the sites just right, getting as much content as possible, and then forget to actually make sure people read the content. To a certain point, quality content will get some traffic on its own – search engines just like content. But, it will only get you so far. You still need to go out and learn what it takes to generate traffic above and beyond what little you get through the content you write.

Name: Traffic Masters Academy
Price: $297
Owners: Matt Lloyd
Overall Rank: 4/5 – LEGIT
Who it’s for: Anyone who advertises online
 Traffic Masters Academy
Traffic Masters Academy Overview

Video training provided by trusted professionals in the industry
Covers all forms of free and paid advertising methods
Easy to follow
One time investment
Free weekly webinars
Can be applied to any niche

A little on the pricey side if just starting out
Site loads slower than preferred due to amount of videos (could just be me though)

Who is Traffic Masters Academy for?

Traffic Masters Academy is for anyone struggling with their current advertising campaigns or you’re about to start online marketing and don’t want to waste time (and money) with trial and error.

It doesn’t matter what product, company, or niche you’re in, if you’re not getting sales then obviously there’s something wrong or an important step is missing.

 Traffic masters academy

Traffic Masters Academy Training/Tools Overview

Traffic Masters Academy is broken down into 7 modules with two new Bonus Modules at the end. Here’s what you get in each one.

Module 1: Traffic Fundamentals
Presenter: Matt Lloyd

In module 1 Matt covers the fundamentals of traffic, targeted vs. non-targeted traffic, creating a customer avatar, free or paid traffic, your budget, squeeze pages and autoresponders, and tracking.

These are all broken down into one video per topic for easy watching.

Module 2: PPC (Pay Per Click)
Presenters: Adam Holland, Michelle Pescosolido

Module 2 is all about pay per click ads, one of the most popular forms of paid advertising. Adam covers Bing, Yahoo, and Google Adwords, while Michelle focuses on Facebook advertising.

Module 3: The Power of Youtube
Presenters: Terry Lamb, Scott Smith, Carolina Milan

YouTube is a huge marketing platform and considering it’s a free form of advertising it shouldn’t be overlooked. When done properly you can get some massive results, which Terry, Scott, and Milan will show you first hand.

They each have a different way of going about it, so be sure to watch each lesson and decide which is best for you.

Module 4: Solo Ad Marketing
Presenter: Shaqir Hussyin

Shaqir is a high energy and great presenter. He’ll cover how he’s able to make millions by using solo ads. Using this method has also allowed him to create his own solo ad and advertising company over the years. He’s the man you need to listen to if you’re thinking about solo ads.

Module 5: Banner Ad Marketing
Presenter: David Gilks

Banner ads are easy, right? Pick a site, buy ad space, upload a banner. Yeah, there’s a little more to it than that. David will show you how he does it so you can replicate the process to make sure your banners are converting.

Module 6: Blogging Secrets
Presenter: John Chow

John Chow is one of the top internet bloggers in the world, this man knows his stuff. He rocketed onto the blogging scene when he showed the income power of blogging by taking his blog from making zero to over $40,000 per month in just two years. And only working only 2 hours a day.

Today, John Chow dot Com is a multi-million dollar business with over 250,000 active daily readers and followers.

Module 7: Warm Market Traffic
Presenter: Sue and Jerry Smart, Ernest Lim

This is the typical style for MLM and network marketing. Talking face-to-face with people interested in things like your product/service and converting them into partners and/or sales.

Bonus Module: Direct Mail
Presenter: Larry Crisp

Direct mail is often overlooked in internet marketing because it’s not online. However thanks to the internet you have access to the whole world, and sending mail is still a thing!

Larry is part of the 1% of MLMers who succeed, and it’s thanks to direct mail. Learn how he effectively uses it to generate income.

Bonus Module: PPV
Presenter: Bernardo Del la Vega and Luke Lim

PPV stands for Pay Per View, it’s essentially using pop-ups to advertise. We all hate pop-ups, but when done correctly they can be very successful.

 Traffic masters academy

Traffic Masters Academy Support

As with other MOBE products the support comes in the form of a knowledge base and support ticket system. There is also a phone number you can use if you need immediate help.

Dealing with the support in the past they have been quick to respond and get any issues resolved in a timely manner.

Traffic Masters Academy Price

Typically they would charge about $97 per lesson, so that would come to just over $1,667. However, if you think Traffic Masters Academy will benefit you then …

Today, Traffic Masters Academy is a one time investment of only $297!

The great part is there’s a 30-day money-back guarantee. So, if withing the 30 days you’re not happy with the number of leads you’re producing by using what you learned in Traffic Masters Academy, you simply email them proof you actually tried and  you’ll get your money back 100%.
 Traffic masters academy

Traffic Masters Academy Final Opinion/Verdict

Traffic Masters Academy was created to cover all forms of advertising, and boy does it deliver. It’s also great to have as a reference if your campaigns aren’t going as planned, so you can go back and watch the videos for a little refresher. Mix that with the weekly webinars and you’re all set.

That reminds me, I need to get back to using YouTube!

Anyway, the training is real, relevant, and helpful. You can check out a free video in regards to Traffic Masters Academy by Matt Lloyd here.

Name: Traffic Masters Academy
Price: $297
Owners: Matt Lloyd
Overall Rank: 4/5 – LEGIT
Who it’s for: Anyone who advertises online

Remember though, you have to watch, listen, and take action!

Traffic Masters Academy Verdict: LEGIT!

If you would like to leave your personal review or experience of Traffic Masters Academy, or you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask below.

I would love to hear your feedback!


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